Da-Plex Unframed Rear Projection Screen - 52" x 92" HDTV Format

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Introducing Da-Plex Unframed Rear Projection Screen - 52" x 92" HDTV Format.

Da-Plex Unframed Rear Projection Screen - 52

27517 Features: -Diffusion coatings are available for all types of applications with any size screen and a wide range of viewing angles. .-Diffusion coating is permanently bonded to the substrate. Cannot peel off like laminated film or vinyl based diffusion screens. .-Two substrates offered: Da-plex (acrylic substrate) and Da-glas (glass substrate)..

Projection HDTV

And, Specs and features of Da-Plex Unframed Rear Projection Screen - 52" x 92" HDTV Format :

Where do I can buy Da-Plex Unframed Rear Projection Screen - 52" x 92" HDTV Format? And how much is it?

If you are in the US can buy it at Amazon US with the price of around $ 2,111.99.

Thanks for visiting and have a nice day!!

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